Circle of LifeCircle of Life ExhibitAs a part of our work with The Partners for the White River, a Nina Mason Pulliam Charitable Trust funded initiative, the daVinci Pursuit partnered with artist Pat Mack to create a series of sculptures along the Urban Wilderness...

White River
The River
Partners for the White River
Funded by a charitable gift from the Nina Mason Pulliam Charitable Trust, the daVinci Pursuit is one of the Indiana nonprofit organizations collaborating on a multi-year initiative to protect and restore the White River with projects focused on improving water quality, increasing public access, fostering greater understanding and appreciation of the value of this critical natural resource, and providing benefits to the communities and wildlife that depend on the river and surrounding habitat. The group of collaborating organizations is called the Partners for the White River.
The 362-mile White River and its associated water resources provide drinking water to 2 million people (30 percent of Indiana’s population) and habitat to several thousand species of plants and animals. With Trust support, the Partners for the White River is undertaking numerous interconnected projects along the river, its tributaries and within surrounding neighborhoods and communities in central Indiana.
Explore hidden worlds along a major river through the art and science of daVinci Pursuit artists and scientists in this engaging series of exhibits along the White River.