daVinci Art Science Walks - October 22, 2023, 1 - 2 pm
Through the LensOctober 22, 2023, 1 – 2 pm –
Through the Lens
DCLT’s New Headquarters,
107 Sesuit Neck Road in East Dennis
A joint program of the daVinci Pursuit and the Dennis Conservation Land Trust (DLCT). In this interactive walk we will make and use our own paper microscopes. Each participant will receive a Foldscope. Foldscope is a paper microscope that combines low-cost affordable materials with precision optics to create inexpensive microscopes. The microscope is waterproof and opens the micro world to all participants. Come build and see what you have been missing in this family-oriented workshop.
Please contact us to reserve your spot, or stay tuned for more walks to come!
Participation is $5 to DCLT Members (join by visiting our website/ link in bio), with a $15 donation for nonmembers. Fee includes a Foldscope for each registrant.
To register, email info@dennisconservationlandtrust.org