Aired Saturday, January 28, 2023

Black & Latinx Women in STEM: Inspiration in the Face of Injustice

Show #214

Talking about Black & Latinx Women in STEM including the idea that artworks can showcase underrepresented people in STEM. What do discouragements and feelings of unbelonging do women in STEM face? Paola became inspired to pursue a project that intersects art with science after she came in contact with first-year Black and Hispanic students who felt a similar discouragement, doubt, or feeling of unbelonging. How can we raise awareness and educate the general public, so that more women will feel free to pursue a career in STEM? We will specifically explore Paola’s, Baindu’s and Jheel’s journey to becoming STEM professionals.


Paola Ariza, Biochemistry Major, Neuroscience Minor, in Pre-Med, Butler University; Baindu L. Bayon, Ph.D., Principal Consultant, BBC Entrepreneurial Training & Consulting,; Jheel Patel, Ph.D., Neuroscientist at a Biomed Startup in Indianapolis

Black & Latinx Women in STEM: Inspiration in the Face of Injustice